Work in progress. A series of illustrated short stories featuring obscure, un-nerving and sometimes downright odd characters from the bizaar recesses of my brain - A welder come taxidermist, a former prima-ballerina turned kleptomaniac, a failed inventor who enjoys DIY trepanning (drilling the human skull), mischievous siamese twins, a bipolic nurse. Imagine Dr Zeuss (The Cat in the Hat) meets Heinrich Hoffmann (the 19th century German writer who created the disturbing Struwwelpeter) and you're somewhere near it. All cautionary tales, told through the traveling experiences of one Reverend Agar Base. Some have been inspired by local Somerset people and some by local Somerset legends, but all are a move back to classic story telling.
I will be adding to this post as the characters and story lines develop over the next six months or so.
Watch this space.